Saturday, July 10, 2010
I walk the city....
Saturday, July 3, 2010
My First Swimming Lesson
Intelligence Versus Talent
Sunday, June 20, 2010
My Daddy
Since my childhood, I have seen my daddy as a person of great reserve - he never danced with me sitting on his head (like I do, and like he does today with my son :-)) but at the same point of time, he never ever let me feel unloved or uncared for, not even for a single moment. A person of great determination and mental strength, my dad stands by me - even to this day - like the Chinese Wall. If there is one person in this whole wide world that believes in me cent percent, then that's my dad for you.
Dad, I thank you for the staunch support you've shown me when I needed it the most, and the joys you've shared with me. Its easier to form a bond with one's mother - as has been the case with me as well - but the dad - son relationship is one that remains subtle, but very strong. I realize this today when even a single 7,919 miles-long distance-holler from my son over the phone or vcon diverts all my attention towards him.
This is one relationship, that needs to be cherished - with utmost care and respect - on father's day or any other day.
I love you dad - you are my hero
Waka Waka Eh Eh
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Go....Go....Golf !